Discover a practice that makes you
Holistic practices have been around thousands of years to help people with various concerns and can be great on their own, or as a complement to traditional therapy and/or medical treatment. Learn more below about reiki and sound healing and the benefits you may experience, as well as what to expect from a session and other common questions.

Reiki is a safe, gentle healing modality which can aid with physical, emotional, psychological, and/or spiritual issues. It is a Japanese form of healing, where the practitioner delivers energy to the body, improving flow and balance to support healing.
Sound healing works to shift energy in the body to restore mind, body, and spirit. It works on a cellular level to bring the body’s vibrations back to their most harmonious state. Sound healing can happen through any modality such as music, singing, chanting, etc. Katie uses crystal alchemy bowls which are made up of precious metals, crystals, and other earth elements, which in addition to the sound frequencies, can promote healing.
Yes, this is called somatization. Simple examples are when you feel butterflies in your stomach if you are nervous or if your muscles tense with anger. Any unexplained illness, aches and pains can be attributed to mental health. Traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, has been practiced for thousands of years based on the concept that the mind and body affect each other. Treatment is integrated for an overall mind-body approach to healing.
Benefits can include a deep relaxation, calmness, release of physical pain, stress, or fears. It is important to note that healing is an individual journey and experiences will vary by person and even by session.
Chakra means “wheel”, thus chakras can be thought of as spinning wheels of energy found inside and outside the body. Eastern medicine believes that our bodies carries thousands of energy channels which intersect at 7 main chakras in the body. Chakras can be open, closed, blocked based on experiences from our life. When the chakras are all open, the body is balanced and energy can flow freely, promoting feelings of openness, clarity, balance, and good health.
Reiki and sound healing can both help to clear out blockages in the chakras, bringing you back to harmonious alignment.
Yes! If you have hearing issues, you can still feel the vibration of the bowls. If you have a hearing aid, you want to remove it during sound healing.
Many people experience seeing color, feeling relaxed, tingling sensations, and/or feeling hot or cold. However, there is no right or wrong experience during or after both reiki and sound healing, as the experience depends on each person. Your experience will also differ with each session. I recommend keeping a journal of your experience as to how you felt and any “messages” that may have received!